2019 was the year where the Finance teams from both Centers took the first steps toward aligning our financial operations to move forward as the Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). By combining our efforts, we managed to implement USD 114.5MM on four continents, backed by a total income of USD 112MM.

Central to our achievements in 2019 were our funders, investors and partners for integrated agricultural research for development, including the Governments of Italy and Colombia – our host main countries – and CGIAR Trust Fund members.

A total of 75 percent of the funds were executed under the lead of CIAT, and 25 percent under Bioversity. At the close of the exercise, the Alliance ended the year with an operating deficit of USD 1.97MM, of which USD 1.022MM corresponded to Bioversity International and USD 948k to CIAT.

With regard to the reserves, CIAT closed 2018 with USD 26.2MM, which gradually declined throughout the year to close 2019 with USD 24.7MM, equivalent to 130 operating days, based on a daily rate of USD 190k. In the case of Bioversity International, the books show a decrease in the reserves compared to 2018, closing 2019 with USD 8.7MM, equivalent to 113 days, with a daily rate of USD 77.6k. Despite the decline in reserves, both Centers are in a relatively healthy financial position.

For 2020, we have planned balanced budgets for the Alliance for a value close to USD 125MM, set up to support roll-out of the organization’s six research areas recently put in place, focused on the nexus of agriculture, nutrition and the environment, and to ensure long-term financial sustainability.

For more information, download our 2019 Financial Statements:

Bioversity International | CIAT